Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hooray APTA

Further reasons why it is important to pay your dues to the APTA... legal fees...

Like the Direct Access fight, there has been another long and fairly costly legal battle for the field of PT. The Federation of State Boards of PT (FSBPT) who are in charge of the National PT Exam (NPTE) have the legal rights to our exam and have made some rather unnecessary increases in the fee to sit for the exam. The APTA being the main organization representing the field took FSBPT to court to try to control the price to a reasonable rate. The APTA's statement today about this subject states that "The new terms ensure that the price to take the Examination remains affordable for licensure candidates starting their careers in the profession, while providing appropriate revenue to support the Federation’s continued development and administration of the Examination."

Apparently these tests cost a bit of money to make because of questions that get thrown out, and verifying the valididty and reliability of these questions aka finding questions that are actually worth answering. But the FBPTS could not justify the price increase based on their current expenditure.

This is great news to those of us struggling to pay tuition and being bombarded with loans, who also decide to spend a decent chunk of money in supporting the APTA. By the time I take the exam the FSBPT could have raised the price an extra 100 dollars so I am grateful that the price will stay where it is... and the next step is for me to actually pass that exam to get licensed... 2008 here I come...

Last thought... If you are going to be in the NYC area on Sept. 30 come to the Downstate NY Student Conclave, register at this link.


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