A big part of the learning process other than getting the procedures/documentation down pat is making some clinical decisions. As a student I am under my CI's license technically so I won't actually make the decision to clear a patient but it is something I am growing into understanding.
It is still amazing to me how rapidly people can get up and walk after receiving a brand new hip or knee. The biggest barrier to them walking is probably the medication/anesthesia that makes them dizzy. While all that wears off, the pain goes away, the body is healing all the skin/soft tissue/muscle that was cut through for the surgery. Somewhere in that healing process we as PT's work to get those muscles stronger and instruct the patients on how to be safe with their new body part.
The whole process is amazing. To be walking the day of surgery. I may have mentioned it before and I will probably mention it again, but seeing more and more patients jump out of bed after going through this procedure is mind boggling every time.
I am off to research, I have no words of the day as of right now, except "rain rain go away".
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