Thursday, June 08, 2006


Today in musculoskeletal pathology we watched a video of a TKR - Total Knee Replacement, courtesy of This is an amazing procedure where they cut open your knee, cut the ends of your thigh bone (femur), kneecap (patella) and leg bone (tibia) off and replace them with pieces of metal or plastic. Simply amazing to watch the whole process. Also amazing how these patients rehab before and after the surgery.

Also learned about wheelchair mobility and prescription and Spina Bifida in my other two classes.

In between classes I was running around trying to put some things together for the student conclave we are hosting at my school in September, a little PR and such, and I also put some things together for my plans to run for treasurer of the Student Assembly.

Now I am off to watch the Yanks beat the Sox while I study for some exams...


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