Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Just Another Day

A la Jon Secada...

  • Practical this morning on transferring patients, did pretty well, now have to watch the tape and self-assess my own performance (they actually tape us, nutty)
  • Lab on orthotics (canes, walkers and such)
  • Lecture on Metabolic Disorders (e.g. Rickets, Scurv, Osteomalacia, etc.)
  • Lab on compression for conditions such as lymphedema
  • Helped a classmate move
  • Watched the Yankees win while reading over notes... ok, so I had the notes open in front of me with little looking at them... ok, so I just watched the game to relax... hey, with my support they won in extra innings :-D
  • Now in the process of typing up Musculoskeletal Pathology notes to ace the quiz on thursday... one day at a time
  • "Do not go gently into that good night"
  • Good night


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