Monday, December 03, 2007

Caught Up

I have just been busy, no excuses just results...

So I finished my last final of my academic career (hopefully) the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Started clinic last Monday and have been greatly enjoying it. The patients are all very pleasant, the staff is a lot of fun, and I am learning a great deal. I hope to have more detailed posts in the future, but it is truly an exhausting experience. Along with everything else in life, I get to pretty much work 50 or so hours a week while not getting paid and still paying tuition... puts a bit of a strain on finances. Just as a side note, there are programs where you get paid for these final affiliations.

I have been keeping up with journals and other blogs and PT related websites and the info borders on overwhelming. But what keeps me going is seeing patients get better and knowing that the more I learn the better I will be able to get them better... very eloquent, eh? My brain is a little tired.

Other topics worth discussing from clinic are:
  1. My case report topic will likely be a patient who had fractured his talus and after about 2 months of PT treatment was not getting better. It was radiographically confirmed that he had AVN of the talus. I first saw him when he returned to PT after having retrograde drilling done to fix the AVN.
  2. My CI has used the Functional Movement Screen with a minor league pitcher from my favorite baseball team (shh) that we are working with. There has been some recent evidence in support of this as a predictor of injury. This is a very interesting concept in my opinion and I think this will be something I will be following as more comes out about it.
  3. There is a lot of Pilates work
  4. There is a huge focus on biomechanics
I look forward to updating you all on the many concepts and ideas that I will be picking up in the coming weeks. This is such an exciting part of the PT process. Hope you are all happy and healthy!


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