Yoga Patanjali's Eight Fold Path
My abridged study version of Patanjali's Eight Fold Path, an integral part of therapeutic yoga...
- Yama - moral precepts
- Niyama - qualities to nourish
- Asana - postures/movements
- Pranayama - breathing exercises
- Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses, such as in meditation
- Dharana - concentration
- Dhyana - uninterrupted meditation
- Samadhi - "in the zone"
The three postures we learned to focus on (I may not spell these correctly):
- Tadasana - helps extension and standing posture
- Buddha Konasana
- Sukasana - one I had a lot of trouble doing
Just a quick FYI... sort of not really... sorry, had a lot of coffee... off to take this exam now
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