I am Guilty
...of not voting in my boroughs primary elections. What's worse is I did not take advantage of the opportunity to help PT. I am writing this to remind myself to do this in the upcoming elections and to hopefully inspire other PT/PTA students, professionals and most importantly PATIENTS to follow suit.
In voting for candidates my main concern is their stance in regards to PT related issues. Now I am sure many politicians are not exactly experts on healthcare issues but when they are running for an office this could be a great time to make them aware and vote accordingly.
So in the future, I (and I hope you) will be writing a letter or e-mail or going to public appearances to inquire about the candiates stance on healthcare and specifically what they can do for PT and our patients.
I want you... to go out and vote... and visit ww.apta.org/advocacy to find out more.
Dealing with politics can be streamlined and APTA has done a great job so far. Unfortunately we still have an uphill climb to make... it gets easier when we all unite (see unions and majority voters).
To conclude I am going to try to remember this great quote: "Democracy is not a government of the people, it is a government of the people who participate"... I'm pretty sure I butchered that but I hope you get the idea.
Don't beat yourself I haven't voted for anything since I turned 18... Well I did vote for Arnold during the CA recall thats about it. O and Kudos on the SF uninsured article.
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