Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I am probably more frustrated than I have ever been in my life right about now... and not just because the yankees blew it today, or the jets are in line for a great draft pick... but along these lines, people (in so many facets of life) seem to be letting me down as of late... I do not want to make this too personal a blog but I just wanted to vent right there... all done

Life is too short for the negativity, so trying to stay positive (although yoda says: "do, or do not. there is no 'try'.")

Speaking of doing... A lot to do, part of the reason for my lack of blog contributions. So now I must 'do' more blogging...
  • Another presentation on an article about the lack of mental health services provided to college students that uses the Virginia Tech incident as an example. I just found an audio interview in relation to this article, good supplement to use.
  • "A cohort is worth defining here as a group of people who share a common characteristic or experience within a defined time period (e.g., are born, leave school, lose their job, are exposed to a drug or a vaccine, etc.). Thus a group of people who were born on a day or in a particular time period, say 1948, form a birth cohort." This is all from wikipedia which is a questionable source to use more often than not, but there are times when it provides information in such a great way that other sources do not, so be cautious in using this site.
  • Have to present a lot of case studies, plan of cares, interventions, etc.
  • Have to present a 10 year professional plan.
  • A few more exams along with finding a place to live in Philadelphia for February-May 2008... I am certainly forgetting a few assignments... overall, it's all manageable... I certainly am not complaining but it could all be so much simpler - and just to clarify it is not any of these bullets that frustrates me at all... could be a lot worse too so for all those canadians... Today I give thanks for what I DO have!


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