Monday, July 09, 2007

My favorite muscles

First to the trivia...

Longest muscle in the body... Sartorius
Strongest muscle in the body... read the wikipedia explanation...
# of muscles in human body... 639 (some sources say 640)
# of bones in human body... 206

Smallest muscle in the body... The stapedius...

The Stapedius is located deep in the ear. It is only 5mm long and thinner than cotton thread. It is involved in hearing.

Nate's original question was what is the muscle with the most amusing name..

While I enjoy reciting some of the names out loud... especially with unique accents...

the zygomaticus, politeus, sartorius, anconeus, buccinator (teres minor - you know you are a PT geek when muscles have sentimental value to you)...

Staying away from the "immature" ones, I think the funniest is the (extensor) digiti minimi, but not by much... also what's funny is the variation in how people say the muscles, that takes the comedy to a whole new level

Off to treat some sway-back posture, peace


At 9:46 PM, Blogger laura said...

Platysma is a good one too. I strained mine once...not good. :-D


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