Monday, June 25, 2007


In week 2 of my 9 week clinical affiliation I will be leaving half way through to go to Denver for the APTA's Annual Conference. There is a lot of great programming and I hope to meet some great candidates for next years student assembly board and nom com.

It has been rough writing entries whilst in clinic due to the physical and mental time commitment this requires. I had a similar decline in the frequency of posts during my last clinic affiliation as well. I hope to keep up with it as best I can for all your sakes :-D

I received a comment today on my last post and it was in what appears to be Portuguese, so I hope to translate it before allowing it to be on the site. The individual had a link to what appeared to be a blog of unique t-shirts... perhaps, we shall see.

In clinic I feel I am progressing well. Still seeing a lot of myofascial work, strain counterstrain, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, and using various electrical modalities along with heat and ice. Each patient gets a minimum of 45 minutes and I certainly enjoy the time we are given. I really enjoy the care I am taking part in for these patients/clients and as cliche as it may sound it may sound I am excited for the day every morning when I wake up. Speaking of which I have to be up in less than 6 hours so I bid you all adieu.

Hope to see some of you in Denver for Annual Conference, and if you are a student PT or PTA I strongly urge you to consider running for a student assembly position as the deadline is really closing in on us (July 1st!). Election information, it's not too late... even if you aren't a big fan of the APTA, this is actually a great way to get involved and try to influence it to meet your vision of what the PT field should be doing. Have your voice heard and run!

I apologize for the bad photo editing and for those of you that don't know the face is of the current APTA Student Assembly President...


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