We recently received our book list for the spring and our tuition bill... a time i call the money drain... still looking for a new place to live... waiting to hear about a job that can influence the course of the next few months significantly... and of course none of that matters since the jets ended their freakin season today :(
So now I am a little excited about getting these textbooks to take my mind off this bitter loss to a "rival" that has dominated that battle... I always get excited about new books because they are always so packed with potential learning which is big for me, but then I start reading and very few authors of text books are able to capture my imagination. The most recent one that was able to was Stephen Goldberg with his book Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple. This is similar to that series of Complete Idiot Guide's except this is a series for med students (which has a lot of carryover to PT). I only wish that this Neuroanatomy book was in my possession about a year ago, but I will certainly get a great deal of use out of this book.
In the tradition of my hometown Brooklyn Dodgers, I will have to "Wait Till Next Year" when it comes to the J-E-T-S...
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