Saturday, December 16, 2006

Struggling for some air

5 finals in 3 days... should be a good ol' time... especially when I am in the middle of switching living situations...

I did find time between studying and moving to attend the first NY SSIG Executive Board Meeting for the new 2006-2007 Board. It is always great to be around other people with as much passion for the profession as I have. We threw around a lot of great ideas and if we can accomplish half of them that would be amazing. The year-long term actually goes by very quickly when you are balancing it with all of our other student-ly duties... but I feel like we are motivated enough to make this work.

Back to studying my brains out... aka cramming as much into my brain as possible while minimizing sleep to the point where I can still function... it's a gentle see-saw.

Hope your saturday night is just as good as mine... A night filled with studying up on cerebellar dysfunctions, congestive heart failure, and treatment based approaches to the lumbar spine.


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