Off to Virginia
Leaving in a few hours to the APTA headquarters for the rest of the week. The funny thing is my total travel on the train to the airport plus flight time probably equals or exceeds the amount of time it would have taken me to drive to Virginia... if I had a car of course... oy... But I digress...
Television is a great way to distract oneself from studying non-stop. This website can give you the exact listings of what is on your tv (kind of like a tv guide online). Hope you can make use of it as I find it to be very helpful. Last night I happened to be watching Scrubs and caught one of those fun words from my cardiopulmonary class.
Cardiac tamponade is the compression of the heart caused by blood or fluid accumulation in the space between the myocardium (the muscle of the heart) and the pericardium (the outer covering sac of the heart). This can present as a heart attack but is not nearly as serious.
It is funny how many ideas me and my classmates pick up from the limited amount of television we are allotted.
Anyway, off to finish packing. Send me any suggestions you guys may want to see in the world of Physical Therapy as this is what we will be discussing for the next few days.
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