Thursday, December 21, 2006

Done, done, and done

That is a great feeling, to be rid of the stress of exams... well worth the efforts I put forth, alliteration...

Now I am numerically, half way through the curriculum, but I really only have 3 semesters, two of which are cut way short by clinicals... which I have 31 weeks of... and that's it baby!

Now with some leisure time I still have to stay PT driven... While commuting around today I ended up reading PTMagazine, which is just chock full of usefulness. I was sad that my bus ride ended because I had to put it down... It is a great way to get caught up on a great number of issues affecting the profession of PT. In the pages I got to read today I learned about PT's in Space, a little reimbursement advice, and read a letter from another student PT blogger about the importance of utilizing the internet, a letter about PT's making diagnoses and how important that is for our profession, and a letter about the pitfalls of VISION 2020... it is really an amazing resource that I know not a lot of people take advantage of for understandable time reasons, but this is worth it...

If people have their backs turned to some of these issues, it probably won't end as well as if something positive gets done now...


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