Friday, March 09, 2007

Children Are The Future

Yesterday was a fun day. I got to go speak about PT and Health & Wellness to some 2nd and 3rd graders up in Harlem. It was the first time I had tried that presentation with kids that were so young but it was good to see how curious they were about health issues and how receptive they were to some of the things we covered.

Now I go pass on what little wisdom I have to the oft injured football players of my old high school where I coach.

And as a note to myself I am putting in the link to my friends new page and a reminder to myself that I will be reviewing transtibial lectures at 12 next monday. And for anyone in my class who stumbles upon this, we were given 6 extra points on that Peds Midterm, so rejoice.

Hope you are enjoying yourself today and thanks for stopping by the blog :-D


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