Another Review
This is a busy semester, tests left and right, papers in your face at all times, readings that are hard to keep up with... some may suggest I spend less time writing blogs and being active in extracurricular activities... but I argue that these extracurricular activities are vital to my education. A PT once told me to not let school get in the way of my education... at this point in time I must...
Here is a quick/basic review of some cardiopulmonary concepts:
- One major concept is postural drainage. When there is a build up of secretions in the lungs many patients will need help getting them out of their lungs. It is important to determine which portion of the lung needs to be drained.
- This website focuses on cystic fibrosis and breaks down the lungs by segment very efficiently. It also provides the appropriate positions to facilitate drainage.
- This website has a video of a quick PT intervention to drain some secretions.
- Hydration is vital to mobilizing secretions and minimizing the risk of bacterial infection.
- Muscles of ventilation:
- Diaphragm, intercostals, abs
- Accessory muscles:
- Erector Spinae, Pectoralis, Serratus Anterior, Scalenes, SCM, Traps
- As one ages they go through numerous changes including their lungs increasing in compliance, a decrease in chest wall compliance and decreased lung volumes and expiratory flow rates
- Brainstem lesion patterns of breathing:
- Cheynne Stokes breathing - hyperpnea (rapid paced breathing)
- Central neurogenic hyperventilation - respiratory rate greater than 24 (per minute), continual, regular, deep
- Cluster breathing - irregular spurts of breathing (upper medulla lesion)
- Biot's breathing - completely irregular, unpredictable pattern, deep/shallow random breaths with pauses
- Central apnea - complete CNS involved, increased IntraCranialPressure, req's long term mechanical ventilator
- Mediate percussion - a technique to measure underlying organ/tissue density.
- Tactile fremitus - a technique in which you palpate over the lungs to get a sense of the vibration created by speaking.
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