Busy Again
Just academically here's the run down...
Tomorrow - Quiz about Modalities
Thursday - Cumulative Final in Musculoskeletal Path.
Monday - Presentation on Vertigo & Dizziness for Neuromusc. Path
Tuesday - Final Practical for Modalities
Wed. - Final Writ-10 Exam for Modalities
Thursday - Final for Neuromusc. Path.
Then 11 days off and bada-bing, bada-boom I start my first clinical experience which is probably one of the most nerve-racking parts of PT school.
Add to all this, being sick, working for my mom on saturday (which makes me sick), babysitting my nephew on friday (hope I don't get him sick), giving the first years a presentation about the benfits of going to conferences (making them sick), taking part and organizing our mentoring program (no sick reference here), continuing to plan the student conclave we are hosting here (which will be sick), figuring out whats what with running for student assembly, and so on and so forth, fun/sick times
See you guys next friday :-D (I'll probably make a bunch of posts between now and then anyways)
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