I don't believe that I have once mentioned the classes I am currently taking this semester. So here is a run down of my Spring 07 semester (end of my 2nd year):
- Specific Systems - a class dealing with unique issues such as amputations, wound care/burns, female issues such as pregnancy, etc.
- Pediatric Diagnosis and Management - currently working on an assignment to figure out how to use bubbles to assess a 2 year old child.
- Health Promotion & Wellness - this is a major movement in the PT profession. If we can get people healthier now, it means less work for us later... that's not the real message of the class at all, but there is a focus on being proactive with your health and getting the patients/clients to follow along.
- Evidence Based Practice - how to find, utilize, and sorth through research related to PT practice.
- Cardiopulmonary Pathology - Things that can go wrong with the lungs/heart. Learning EKG interpretation, lung sound auscultation (listening to), chest PT (to clear up lung congestion) and much much more.
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