Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Yesterday we had PT Day at my school. Following the APTA theme of Bike Right, Bike Fit we had a bike fitting station, nutrition before, during, and after biking, we offered healthy refreshments, bike safety tips (especially in New York City) - we also gave out maps that we got from 311 for the safest bike routes in NYC. I rode my bike up to school so that we would have a sample to work with. It was a great day overall and I want to thank all of the volunteers and "consumers" that attended.

So tomorrow I am leaving for Dallas where the National Student Conclave will be held... it should be extra fun. A whole weekend of PT energy. Last year it seemed like everyone there was there to really help the profession and make themselves the best PT they could be. All that passion and energy really gets me even more inspired.

So if you have a chance to vote (only those in attendance of the conference can vote <--issue of debate) here is my candidate statement:

Eugene Babenko, SPT
Long Island University-Brooklyn

As a future Physical Therapist I hope to help patients make strides with the use of every resource possible. If elected to the Student Assembly I hope to help the profession make strides with the input of every student possible. There is certainly strength in numbers and one of my main goals is to increase membership and the way the constituents communicate with their representatives.

Having served as an usher for the 2006 House of Delegates I was greatly inspired to take part in this process. I immediately began work on a mock House of Delegates as an event for the New York SSIG, for which I act as vice chair. I have also helped develop a mentoring program at my school, begun a community outreach committee, gone to speak to high schools about PT, and organized the NY Regional Student Conclave.

Passion, energy, and commitment are my greatest assets. I look forward to the opportunity to
make the student experience a better one nationwide and strengthen the profession at large. Let's all help bring Vision 2020 into focus.


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