Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 4 of 4

way too early on a sunday morning, nonetheless, I'm excited to finish up this course. That is not to say I want it to end, but rather I am looking forward to completing the intake of all of the information. Is it just me or am I especially long-winded on minimized sleep?

The instructor has been fabulous, completely engaging and obviously well-versed in the science of healing and her own unique art form of caring. Plus I always love those down south (Georgia) accents/attitudes/idioms ('The dog won't hunt' ain't exactly a Brooklyn thing).

The flow of the course has been great. From concepts to practice as it should be and we finished off last night with a thrillingly entertaining workout session - the idea was to spread this out to our patients. I may just have to take a few more courses with these people :)


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